Friday, November 13, 2009

Anastasia, Zoe & Cousin Harry | Toowoomba Baby and Child Photographer

Last weekend we had a visit from Paul's brother Trav and his beautiful wife Alicia who live up in Cairns.  It was so great to see them and to meet our little nephew Harry for the first time.  Anastasia and Zoe absolutely loved Harry and the poor little guy didn't get left alone for most of the time they were visiting. I'm sure he was releaved to have his personal space back when they left. 
While they were here we took the opportunity to get some photos of Harry. I know Grandma has been waiting to see these.

Alicia bought the girls these adorable little fairy outfits.  Anastasia has been wearing hers everyday and was so upset when I told her I had to wash it. 

Alicia and baby Harry with the girls.  Anastasia just couldn't keep her eyes off baby Harry.


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